Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I just borrowed a book about guitars from the library. It is very interesting! For my advice, if you want to learn about the history or types of guitars or just the guitar, then go to the library! My book is called Maran illustrated and it is the book that I got my information from for my other blog post just before this one. It has three hundred and two pages loaded with history, types of guitars, and of course, how to play one and read music. The first chapter is about the history of guitars. The second is about getting ready to play. The third is the most complicated and it is the chapter that I am stuck on. It is about reading music. The fourth one is about playing a basic chord. The fifth chapter talks about chords and power chords. (Power chords are my favorite!) Chapter six is about playing single notes. Chapter seven is Articulation Techniques. The eight chapter is on playing the rock guitar! And ninth is all about playing the blues… (I hate the blues…) I also hate chapter ten. It is on playing folk music. Eleven is on playing classical guitar. The twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth, are all on buying a guitar, cleaning, and stuff to do with it like recording and making songs on your own.
As you can see, this book is LOADED with stuff to keep me busy with this school year. I know I can’t read it in three weeks so I will just keep borrowing it from the library.
I have been playing quite a bit lately. I use my middle finger mostly when playing tabs because it is the longest and strongest. It is getting pretty strong now and I am getting calluses! I even came up with my own little practicing routine to do every day. It works out pretty well and I use every finger so I can develop calluses and get my finger strength built up so I can play louder. It sounds pretty cool too. And since you need to have a very fast strumming hand to play it I think it will do me some good. I am trying my best to learn how to read music but it is just not making any sense to me. The book that I borrowed is good but it is really complicated! I am going to have to return it on Friday but I will just check it right back out again until I can play a little.

P.S. if you guys have any tips on playing guitars I am all ears! That would help me a lot!