Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How I Got Started With My Music

When I was five my parents brought me into the art of music. The first instrument that they had me play was piano. I did that for four years. They got me a piano teacher for two of those years but she quit doing them because her husband was a business traveler and so it was just too inconvenient. My next piano teacher lived pretty far away. We had her for about 2 years.
My family went through a hard time with money being tight. This made it so we had to quit piano lessons for about two years. When things got good for us again, we hired the same teacher that we had for the second half of the two years. I had lost a lot of my musical talent but it was still there inside me just waiting to burst out. After playing for a little bit I finally started to remember the notes again and how to play stuff like staccatos and what the treble clef is.
As I was doing piano I really started to feel the urge to play guitar. My inspiration for wanting to play guitar comes from one person. This person’s name is Jimmy. Jimmy is a friend of my 19 year old brother. He came over one time and saw one of our guitars sitting on the table. So he picked it up and played a few songs. When I watched him I was so amazed. I tried to learn a few songs myself. It was hard and it seemed like I couldn’t do anything. But it was about the time of my birthday. So I said to my mom, “All I want for my birthday are guitar lessons and guitar supplies.” My mom talked to my dad about it and they decided that I was ready for some lessons. For my birthday I got the gift of lessons and guitar supplies. They found me a very experienced guitar player and decided he would be my teacher.
For six weeks they supplied me with a capo, a chord sheet, and an electric tuner. Also in those six weeks I went to the expert guitar teacher Mr. Webb. As those six weeks passed I learned new chords and new songs and how to clean a guitar and keep it maintained. But I realized that six weeks was not even close to what I needed. But my parents were just going to stick with piano lessons for a while. But that didn’t stop me. I just kept trying to learn new chords and play new songs. And I even found a website that is incredible. This is the link to the website: http://ultimate-guitar.com/
My blog will be informing you about my quest to learn to play the guitar. I hope this blog will help me strive harder to learn guitar so I can write it down for you. I hope that I can become an encouragement for all those who are just learning or have already started and are struggling like me to play the guitar. I am still a beginner but that won’t stop me.

P.S. Since school has started I don’t think I will be able to write much on my blog. But I will try my best to keep you posted. ~Isaac Feinn